The list of vendors was impressive. Some favorites would have to be So Delicious Coconut Milk (though I discovered I'm not a fan of coconut milk kefir); Auntie Zuze's veggie pate made with sunflower seeds (yum!); Boston Baked Bones natural dog treats (I love their "I Rescued My Best Friend" t-shirt); Chicago Soydairy (it was nice to sample some Teese and vegan marshmallows); Hippie Chick Bakery (just outside of Boston - cute Halloween inspired sugar cookies, though they were outshined by Vegan Treats this year); Larabar (one of the original raw date nut bars, and now there are many more following in their footsteps); Coconut Bliss (gotta say, the line was shorter here than at the So Delicious table, and I think they had a slight edge on the Naked Coconut ice cream); May Wah ("vegieworld.com" - if you can't get enough fake meats, stop by their table); Peanut Butter & Co. (perfect accompaniment to the chocolate overload); Soya Foods (some nice prepared tofu); Vegan Treats (we died and went to heaven).
I'm kicking myself for forgetting my camera, but here are some camera phone images. If you are at all introgued, there's still time to experience the bliss. The festivities continue Sunday, November 1. What a great way to celebrate World Vegan Day!
Just a short distance from the festival is the answer to our vegan prayers: Peace O' Pie - vegan pizza with faux cheese that really melts!

For the ride home to Connecticut, we couldn't help but share deflated spirits at the prospect of returning to our non-vegan world. But then someone mentioned vegan softserve ice cream. As if we hadn't yet had our fill, we made a slight detour to Manchester ( we needed an excuse for a pitstop anyway). If you're heading to/from Connecticut on your way, be sure to stop at Divine Treasures for some vegan chocolate and pumpkin pie soft serve ice cream. Truly a divine ending to a perfect day.
Thanks, Sandy, Angie and Jessica! It wouldn't have been the same without you!!